Thursday, June 14, 2007


June 7, 2007 -- Northwest Airlines and FBI target Canadian man caught up in racial and religious profiling system

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June 7, 2007 -- Northwest Airlines and FBI target Canadian man caught up in racial and religious profiling system
June 7, 2007 -- Northwest Airlines and FBI target Canadian man caught up in racial and religious profiling system
publication date: Jun 7, 2007

author/source: Wayne Madsen

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June 7, 2007 -- Northwest Airlines and FBI target and harass Canadian man caught up in racial and religious profiling system
On January 16, 2006, Aaron James and his mother, Linda James, were traveling from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Northwest Airlines. James was scheduled for surgery for an arm injury at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
After Mr. James' bag failed to arrive on the luggage carousel and was told by Northwest that it had been lost, James and his mother proceeded to their Rochester. Eventually, the bag arrived at their hotel bearing a note: "BAG SEIZED, LOCKS CUT, SEARCHED."
Two days later, on January 18, the Jameses boarded their return Northwest flight to Winnipeg. After a disagreeable flight attendant questioned James' mother about a piece of luggage, the same flight attendant became irritated with Aaron James. Without knowing it, James had already been flagged as a suspicious person. He would be subjected to the “Star Chamber” justice experienced by many innocent people since the anti-Constitutional coup d’etat brought about by the Bush administration since September 11, 2001.
James was subjected to the same treatment previously meted out by Northwest to 12 Indian Muslim businessmen traveling back from Amsterdam to Mumbai. Ten of the 12 Indians were handcuffed and detained after a Mumbai-bound Northwest flight returned to Amsterdam in September 2006. Minneapolis airport surfaced again as a center for racial profiling in November 2006 when six Muslim imams were removed from a Phoenix-bound US Airways plane because they "looked suspicious."
Similarly, Syrian-born Canadian citizen Maher Arar was not only profiled on a flight to Canada from Tunis via New York's John F. Kennedy airport, but was detained and renditioned to Syria via Jordan. In Syria, he was jailed for 374 days and was tortured. Although Arar received an apology from the Canadian government and monetary compensation, he has not received any such apology from the Bush administration, which refuses to remove Arar's name from its terrorist watch list.
However, Aaron James is neither Muslim nor Arab. An Afro-Caribbean (Trinidadian) Canadian, James' looks appeared to Northwest screeners to be Arab or Muslim. In 2002, Northwest awarded Israeli-owned Ganden Security Service Solutions (GS3) a contract to train 11,000 Northwest flight attendants in aggressive racial and religious profiling -- the same tactics used by Israel in its racial suppression of Arabs in the Palestinian Occupied Territories and Israel proper. Israelis, most of whom have backgrounds in the Mossad or Shin Bet domestic security service, train airline personnel to racially identify those who "look Arab." It is the same playbook used by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in visually identifying those of Jewish, Romany, African, or Slavic ethnicity or descent.
In fact, the person who trained Minneapolis airport police, Rafi Ron, is the former chief of security at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport, where modern-day visual racial and religious profiling was first implemented and perfected.
James' trip back to Canada on January 18, 2006, would be fateful. At the Northwest check-in counter in Rochester, James told the counter agent that he wanted to file a complaint with the airline about racial profiling. The counter agent ripped the form from James' hand and told him that he would not need it since he was going to sue the airline anyway.
Everything went fine on the flight from Rochester to Minneapolis, until James and his mother boarded the Northwest flight to Winnipeg. After Linda James was questioned about a suspicious bag on her seat, a flight attendant asked James, who was returning from the restroom, whether he had a problem. Eventually, the crew called in airport police who tasered Aaron James over his heart. After being tasered, James fell to the floor of the aircraft and hit his head, which required stitches in a hospital before he was hauled off to Hennepin County jail.
James' website provides a detailed flash video of the aircraft incident.
The Canadian consulate in Minneapolis refused to get involved in the case, stating that it was a domestic U.S. law enforcement matter, unless James were to be tortured or sexually abused in prison. James was held for nine days in Hennepin and Sherburne County prisons, without ever being read his Miranda rights. James was subjected to constant threats from law enforcement and prison officials.
Minneapolis airport police released a press statement claiming that James head-butted one of the arresting police officers in a scuffle. James denies this account of events. The Minneapolis media bought the story hook, line, and sinker.
Upon arraignment before U.S. District Judge David S. Doty on January 28, 2006, James was released on unsecured bond and ordered to return to Canada by bus, a 14-hour trip. On January 29, while at home in Canada, James was paid a surveillance visit by FBI agent Marc Rensch. The next day, James was visited by FBI agent Chris Nissan who accused him of violating Doty's no-fly order by returning to Canada by plane. James produced the bus tickets as proof that he returned by bus.
At his later trial on June 19, 2006, on the charge of minor assault of a police officer, James was found guilty of the charge by a dubiously packed jury of individuals with law enforcement connections. Judge Doty ordered James back to Canada but warned that he would send U.S. Marshals into Canadian territory to arrest him if he did not return for later sentencing.
In fact, from the bench, Doty warned James, "you don’t come back and I'll send the U.S. Marshals out to get you. They will hunt you down. Oh, Hollywood overdoes the FBI somewhat but not the U.S. Marshals, they're every bit the bloodhounds Hollywood portrays them to be! They'll get you -years from now! I've seen it before! You understand?" Frightened after his treatment in Minnesota jails and by Doty's judicial intemperance, James now lives in a barricaded home, fearful for his life and without any sense of protection from either the Manitoba or Canadian federal governments against a "snatch and grab" by invading U.S. law enforcement officers.
Neither did James' attempt to enlist the support of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have any effect. In yet another indication that the ACLU has been penetrated by the FBI and other federal agencies, James' egregious treatment was ignored by the ACLU -- an organization that appears more interested in now looking out for the interests of the government against those of the citizenry.
The U.S. Attorneys' office in Minneapolis has been the subject of scrutiny for unethical and possible illegal activities. Fired U.S Attorney Thomas Heffelfinger was cashiered because he protected the right of Native Americans to vote unencumbered.
James says the U.S. government wants him to admit guilt in a plea bargain. It is the current ploy by the Bush administration to avoid charges of human rights violations by extracting false confessions from those it has targeted.

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